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  • Writer's pictureGracin Galbreath

Newly Created Cascadia PL Joins the Affiliate Leagues

Ahead of some speculation in recent months, weeks, and days, NISA now has it's newest affiliate league. Within some absolutely hectic, and incredible news being dropped day by day, new youth affiliation, new Midwest PL feeder league, and the first NISA Nation club announcements. Ahead of that would be this new league created just two weeks ago, the speculation had been building up for about a month, and it's now official. The Cascadia Premier League is the newest affiliate for the NISA Pyramid.

Originally, this was first mentioned by CAPL club Snohomish County FC, who reported on Twitter that the WWPL "have entered into a non-disclosure agreement over their current discussions," and that "NISA details will be a part" in the meeting scheduled that July. This was the first hint we got of the new potential deal between the two parties, and things stayed quiet for the rest of the month mostly. However, more details emerged and the announcement was officially made to set up the affiliation.

On August 24, the WWPL announced that their league is evolving. From their article, it reads that the league "will be rebranding their league name to the Cascadia Premier League for the 2022 season and beyond. The goal of this rebrand is to create more opportunities for players and clubs to grow, while also increasing exposure a regional and national level." And later on in the article, embedded down in there, it also says "Due to the growth and demands of the clubs and players within our region, the league decided to partner with a National organization." This was basically the confirmation for the future league's plans and goals.

Just today, it was made official through Twitter, as well as a written article on both parties' websites. The Cascadia PL will join NISA to become an affiliate league on Level 3 of the NISA Pyramid. The league will join the EPSL, GCPL, MWPL, MPL, and the SWPL as a feeder directly to NISA Nation. Using this new affiliation, it creates new promotion and relegation opportunities, directly opening the start of Open Soccer for the Cascadian Region of the US. This is just the beginning for NISA, and using all of these affiliates, the US Open Soccer Pyramid can become a force for good in the US, from the grassroots, to the highest professional level.

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